About us

Dated back in 1860, it was the end of the ancient Edo period, which also marked the start of the brand TSUJIRI that was first established by Riemon Tsuji in Uji, Kyoto, Japan. The founder Riemon tapped his own wealth to improve the tea industry, advancing and innovating the method to enhance the flavors and sweetness of the tea to produce the highest quality Gyokuro tea leaves.
He also created a tea cabinet to prolong the freshness of the tea leaves, which means that TSUJIRI’s teas are equally fresh as compared to the ones found in other parts of Japan. Riemon’s effort was well-recognised by many and to attest to that, his statue was built in Byodoin, the world heritage temple in Kyoto.
「辻利」の創業者、辻利右衛門は私財を投じて茶葉の改善を図り、玉露製法を完成させるとともに茶箱を考案して販路を拡大しました。 その功績は多くの人々に認められ、平等院正門横に銅像が建立される栄誉にいたりました。 創業以来150年以上に渡って培われた伝統と、確かな品質をベースに海外進出にあたりTSUJIRIはより多くの人々に日本茶を気軽に楽しんでいただけるような店舗づくりをしております。
TSUJIRI’s O-matcha

For more than 150 years, TSUJIRI’s philosophy of offering the highest quality green tea remains the same, achieved by painstakingly selecting the best green tea leaves from the renowned harvest of Uji in Kyoto, using the traditional grinding method to bring out the strongest aroma and flavour.

For more information about our brand please visit TSUJIRI Global.